Bring it On! Mastering Emotional Acceptance
Are you kinda emotion phobic? Do the things you do to avoid, control, or suppress your emotions get in the way of your relationships, your goals, or knowing what you care deeply about? This practice will build your core Willingness skills by guiding you to lean into your discomfort and then practice letting go: leaning in and letting go. Are you willing?
Is it okay that I didn’t get better? I went into discomfort but should I let it go? I feel I stuck
Hi Again dear Vicki,
When working with acceptance, be careful to not get pulled into the common and normal trap of ‘practicing acceptance in hopes of change’. Acceptance must be 100% in that moment. All in. And then just observe it, rather than react, judge, or struggle with it. You are doing a great job with your practicing. Acceptance rarely works right away. Have you heard of the ‘stages of grief’? Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance. We are in a way, working through these stages when we struggle with something in our lives that bothers us. We dance up to Acceptance, and fall back again to the other stages. Back and forth, practicing. Until the Acceptance sticks, longer and longer. . . I hope this helps. Keep up the excellent work! Lara