Mindful MasteryMindful-Mastery is an integration of the common elements of the most empirically supported mindfulness-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapies (MB-CBT). This skills-based approach to optimizing psychological well-being is derived from Dr. Fielding’s research and the common elements of the most state of the art MB-CBT treatments. All of our clinicians have training and experience in DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy), ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy), MBCT (Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy), and CBT (Cognitive Behavior Therapy). We offer comprehensive services in these treatments, as well as individually tailored plan, based on the common elements approach.

What it IS:

  • Skills-based: Concrete skills for effective coping
  • Time limited: Between 8-30 weeks, depending on the chronicity of the problem.
  • Focused: Specific goals identified, measured, and targeted
  • Adaptive: Tailored to individual needs
  • Multi-format: Telephone coaching and technology for between session practice
  • Empirically Based: Interventions are derived from the latest in science and research

What it is NOT:

  • Past focused: While awareness of past experience is important, treatment is focused on increasing skills for effective coping in the present.
  • Long term: By identifying measurable outcomes, a clear end date can be set.
  • Mysterious: Clients are continuously made aware of the objectives and processes of treatment.
  • Magic: Much like working with a fitness trainer, skills work through client practice.

Who is the ideal candidate for Mindful-Mastery?

Adults and adolescents who are:

  • Ready to take personal responsibility and work towards change in their lives
  • Able to commit to skills practice between sessions
  • Having difficulty coping with life stressors and/or transitions



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