SkillsIn this section of the site, current Mindful-Mastery clients may access, listen to, view, complete, and save home practice assignments. As this service develops, clients will be able to watch (and re-watch) key psycho-educational components of treatment on short videos. There are important advantages to the integration of this technology based psycho-education component: efficiency, improved learning, and (very importantly) more time for clients to communicate important topics. Dr. Fielding recognizes that it is often difficult to retain all the information provided during session, and so it is useful to have the ability to revisit certain information. This easy home access may also make face-to-face session time more efficient, as redundancy of repetition is reduced. In a similar way to how some graduate level schools now provide students with video lectures before class meets, this allows topics to be explored in more depth during session time.
Clients will also find helpful links, handouts, mp3 recordings, and suggested readings and useful apps to be used with session work.*
* This multi media data base of materials has been compiled from a number of sources. When materials are reproduced, original authors are cited and/or links provided to access the original source. Where no citation is noted, materials are original productions of Lara Fielding, Psy.D., Ed.M.