by Dr. Lara Fielding | Apr 9, 2018 | Knowledge, Self Awareness
“You get what you put out there!” We often hear this annoying truism. But is it really true? And if so, what can we do to prevent getting more of what we don’t want? The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: Is It Real? Do others really reflect back our own social signals?... Read more
by Dr. Lara Fielding | Mar 26, 2018 | Knowledge
We all need a little reassurance sometimes. Someone to tell us we’re on track, doing great, or just confirm that we don’t have food in our teeth! But could this normal behavior be becoming more problematic in the digital age? Has Internet, smartphone, and social media... Read more
by Dr. Lara Fielding | Mar 15, 2018 | Knowledge
What if you could feel less angry, sad, or anxious with just one word? How great would that be?! Most of the time, instead of doing what works, we just keep doing what we’ve always done, hoping it will work (like it used to). So where does our capacity to do... Read more
by Dr. Lara Fielding | Jan 30, 2018 | Knowledge
Diagnostic labels are helpful as a shorthand way of communicating what one is experiencing. But I wonder; might they also contribute to keeping us stuck and maintaining the larger societal stigma? Instead of focusing on labels, perhaps we need to encourage a language... Read more
by Dr. Lara Fielding | Jan 16, 2018 | Knowledge
“But I’m not sure!” “What if?” “I don’t know if it’s good enough.” Feelings of uncertainty and doubt come part and parcel with building a life you love. Yet it’s so easy to get hijacked by the anxiety and worry, when we don’t know for sure. We can get paralyzed by the... Read more
by Dr. Lara Fielding | Feb 2, 2017 | Knowledge
I hear the words of Bob Dylan floating through my mind these days….. This past week client after client has plopped themselves on my couch, called for skills coaching, or submitted home practice related to the vast changes our world is observing. “What now?”... Read more