by Dr. Lara Fielding | Oct 14, 2018 | Self Awareness, Skills
We all know people who we wish could just see, and own, their stuff. You know, that thing they do, over and over again, which leads to outcomes they say they don’t want: The wrong guy, the dead-end job, unequal friendships, or just lack of progress. But do you know... Read more
by Dr. Lara Fielding | Oct 10, 2018 | Self Awareness
We all have a thing. You know – a familiar way we react when we get emotionally triggered. Some of us are aware that we have a tendency to react in certain ways to certain situations. Maybe a close friend has brought this to your awareness. Or maybe you’re a... Read more
by Dr. Lara | Aug 28, 2018 | Self Awareness
It’s really really hard to know when you should practice acceptance of reality – and when you should push for change. Acceptance is not wanting, wishing or approving. Instead it is simple acknowledging the facts of the situation, and letting go of judgments and other... Read more
by Dr. Lara Fielding | May 1, 2018 | Self Awareness, Skills
What gets you moving? When you have a goal or need a change, what’s top of mind; the reward – or the avoidance of a loss? Today’s SKILL WEEKLY talks about the pros and cons of each, and has a mini-quiz about drives your motivation, and how to use it to your advantage!... Read more
by Dr. Lara Fielding | Apr 9, 2018 | Knowledge, Self Awareness
“You get what you put out there!” We often hear this annoying truism. But is it really true? And if so, what can we do to prevent getting more of what we don’t want? The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: Is It Real? Do others really reflect back our own social signals?... Read more
by Dr. Lara Fielding | May 14, 2017 | Self Awareness
We all have private internal experiences (emotions, thoughts, bodily sensations, and impulses), which we keep to ourselves, only sharing to a certain few. Having appropriate boundaries like this is healthy and necessary for effectively negotiating the world. But some... Read more